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AGL Discs

AGL Discs - Woodland Firm GLOW Manzanita (AGL Bar Stamp)

AGL Discs - Woodland Firm GLOW Manzanita (AGL Bar Stamp)

Regular price €23,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €23,95 EUR
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The AGL Discs Manzanita is a stable to slightly over-stable putt and approach disc golf disc with a beadless rim, featuring a shallow thumb track. The Manzanita is a go to disc for some head wind putts, for hitting those tight forehand approach shots, and for those back hand shots which require a predictable fade. Featuring flight numbers of 3/3/0/2 the Manzanita is very torque resistant, and we would say “the most stable of the AGL putters”. Need a long C2 putt? Maybe a long hyzer shot into a protected pin? Do you have a tricky long headwind putt? Just reach for the Manzanita and take your game Above Ground Level. Thank you for supporting our family business, and we hope they fly well and true!

#AGLDiscs #AboveGroundLevelDiscs #TeamAGL #BranchOut #DiscGolf #FamilyOwned

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